Donations help keep the server running! When my dad sees his internet bill he won't be to happy! I want to use my donations to help him pay for the inernet bill! If I get enough donations I am going to for sure change the server over to my computer at my moms house which has 16gb of ram I will use around 12gb of that for the server! I will pay her the money for the internet bill and use extra for a better website! I hope I can do all this because I want a server better than all the ones I've played on before! I am adding so much into one server and it is currently going great! Donations keep it alive! Any sudguestions for ranks? Go to the Contact Us page! We will be adding more ranks and changing them in the future no refunds one purchased if your rank's permissions are changed they will be updated here and can be updated anytime if you have complaints go to the Contact Us page and send them in also! The Contact Us page is basically for anything... Ban appeals to! If we ban you it is fairly we might give another chance though!


If you are banned You deserve it. We will unban you gaurenteed if your crime was not to bad. We will not unban you if you DDOS Server, Hack accounts, Or we feel you should not come on no matter what. If those two rules above do not apply to you we will most likely unban you.


$ 10 CAD

One purchased you agree that you will not refund it or cause any problems towards payment. If you get banned your rank will be there still if you are unbanned. You agree that once purchased you have gotten what you payed for and to get rank go to the Contact Us page and send an email with your payment email and minecraft username.



/kit tools (Work in progress)



Coloured Chat






/warp list



$ 10 CAD

One purchased you agree that you will not refund it or cause any problems towards payment. If you get banned your rank will be there still if you are unbanned. You agree that once purchased you have gotten what you payed for and to get rank go to the Contact Us page and send an email with your payment email and minecraft username.



/kit Diamond (Work in progress)

Ask a Moderator for a nickname!

All from previous rank!


$ 25 USD

One purchased you agree that you will not refund it or cause any problems towards payment. If you get banned your rank will be there still if you are unbanned. You agree that once purchased you have gotten what you payed for and to get rank go to the Contact Us page and send an email with your payment email and minecraft username.


/time set


/give (Like game-mode but you can get hurt basically)

/I (Item) (Quantity)

All from previous rank! 


$ 50 CAD

One purchased you agree that you will not refund it or cause any problems towards payment. If you get banned your rank will be there still if you are unbanned. You agree that once purchased you have gotten what you payed for and to get rank go to the Contact Us page and send an email with your payment email and minecraft username.

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